
Showing posts from 2014

Let me be your prophet

--> What we live today is the fast degradation of both natural and human-built environment. Human race reached a point in which, we all seem to agree, it can destroy its own habitat and thus commit suicide. And it seems quite inclined to do so. If we look back at the history of humankind, we realize that “humanity” is an over-rated notion: we humans have always suffered from the illusion that our race is the one which gives meaning to the word “life”. We learn at school how man tamed the other animals and the natural forces, how he is capable to rearrange the biophysical landscape for his own needs and survival, or how he deciphers the mysteries of the universe. We conquer the Space and we publish “Time”. The history of politics has been maybe the best environment for this illusion: at the beginning there were the kings and priests. They and only they among all humans (and among, of course, all beings) represented gods, the ultimate principles of life on Earth and in the...