
Showing posts from 2007

First Constitutional Principles

There are two things to be done if we want a minimal community, i.e. to finally end the war of all against all: 1) Any person should be given a house at the legal age of 18. This should not depend on other conditions, like work, inheritance, personal characteristics etc. Each citizen should receive the house from her/his own national administration. All the particular cases are to be discussed, bearing in mind the principle itself; 2) The "absolute tax" should be introduced, i.e. a monthly or annual tax to reduce the individual income to a certain maximum level, fixed every year by the local governments (Ex: Sweden decides that in 2008 nobody can earn more than 5000 € / month - average or absolute); Any comments are more than welcome.

Omul e lumea omului

si cind lumea se reduce la un trotuar, omul se reduce si el la o punga de plastic.